How Much Does It Cost to Build A Custom Home

Custom Homes: $250,000 – $1.5 Million+


How much does it cost to build a custom home you ask? Custom home construction allows you to create a home that meets your exact aesthetic and functionality needs. The unlimited options associated with custom homes make them costly both in terms of money and time. Hiring design professionals can range from five to 15 percent of your construction costs. If you’re hesitant to hire an architect, Hagen Homes can help you with one of our own designs!
Estimating the cost of a custom home is difficult because of the wide range of options. Generally, custom homes cost between $100 and $400 per square foot. However, location and materials will play a major role in the price of your custom home. Small homes are becoming a popular alternative to larger custom homes. These downsized dwellings offer the personalization of custom homes without the larger price tag.
If you have questions or would like to discuss your custom home build in greater detail, contact Hagen Homes today. We offer free custom home estimates in Wisconsin and would be happy to discuss your project and start building your better tomorrow today!